
A truly new industry starts unregulated. Sometimes a disrupted industry is also deregulated. This is supposed to bring stability and safety to the market place. While this is often true, the reason for the regulation is often because of a very imbalanced beginning, favouring an elite few early adopters.

Once regulations kick in, one of two things usually happen. Either the original early adopters get to keep a significant advantage or they try and level the playing field for everyone and restart the circuit. More often than not it will be the latter.

What this means is if entering or creating in a brand new industry, it is always important to remember that any outstanding first mover benefits will not last long. It is best to adjust expectations and prepare for a downturn caused by regulation much earlier.


A critical part of a good plan is a good fallback. When things are not going well there is a sense of certainty knowing that there is an alternative plan in place to take over. However this fallback is often the reason for long term systemic failure.

The reason for that is people start becoming complacent when they know that there is a backup. At first nobody wants to use it. But over time this becomes more than just crutches, but a means in itself integrated into the master plan. Yet most fallbacks were not designed that way.

We must constantly evaluate whether the fallbacks we set in place are truly hampering real progress. If they are, it is best to label them as critical emergencies instead.


When an indirect service is bad and we complain about it, most often we don’t truly understand what the issue is caused by. What I mean by indirect service is a service that is beyond the experience of the person delivering it. Large companies call this customer service. I refer to the real product or service behind this customer service.

There are a lot of times when spending the effort to find out the reasons for this issue will satisfy some of your gripes. This is because when we complain we have an expectation, and sometimes this expectation cannot be met because of something we cannot see. If this expectation can and should be met, it instead gives us a more precise means to resolve the complaint and direct it to the correct entity. Either way it will become a more positive and constructive experience.

It is okay to complain about things. Just when you do, it will be even better to really listen to the other side before coming to conclusions.

Finding Peace

When we were growing up the overarching theme for life seemed to be about attaining financial independence. The sense of living to want for nothing and to live our lives in reasonable luxury to the end of our days. Some people may still believe this is the ultimate goal, but you start to see things differently as you get older.

There is the cloud of “follow your passion” lingering in the air. Where we shouldn’t confine ourselves to working on something we don’t like for the sake of money but instead pursue what we truly desire. This truly has merits, but some of us don’t get this answer so clearly. We change as people after learning and trying new things.

Yet do we find peace after we find and start working on our passion? Or are we still stuck in the rat race? Most likely if you are still running any race, then you are likely still in the wheel.

One thing I realised has worked out for me, is to have the sense of having everything I need. A time when as long as I do the same thing everyday, I can live on and live comfortably. And the only way that can happen, is that we do not rest on our laurels. We must strive to learn and improve ourselves everyday. For you can feel comfort from such changing circumstances viewed in that light.

To know that if you lose your job, your skills are highly sought after.

To know that your wellbeing is not tied to something else but your own decisions and values.

To know you can live well and prosper, without needing to create superstar work.

It is then you truly find peace, and it is then that you will challenge your boundaries with less fear and worry. Instead, perhaps it is then you find your real passion can shine.


Sometimes when we want to do something new we need inspiration. And often we end up doing things because someone is watching. Well that’s accountability. However in this digital world, you can’t be accountable all the time. The highlight reels and chat rooms don’t deliver much truth. That’s the danger of relying on others to motivate you. As much as people care, nobody really wants to know every step of your journey.

Find the real reason within yourself. Let others know to inspire them, not to get them to motivate you to do more.


I think one of the greatest things about living in this era is the incredible outsourcing opportunities. The world is at a time with higher unemployment opportunities, which means there are people willing to do whatever you do not want to at a cost. Not everything we outsource costs money though.

If you use Facebook, chances are you have outsourced your social life management to Facebook. Now this was something not many considered until the recent scandal. The truth is we were complacent about the reason for outsourcing.

Religion is another form of outsourcing, where we put trust in something other people have defined. There is nothing inherently wrong with outsourcing, the question is will you be shocked if the truth is suddenly put to real light.

Embrace outsourcing, but don’t lose your critical thinking to it.

Lottery and Insurance

If you believe strongly in buying insurance you should buy the lottery. The reason is that when you buy insurance, you are paying for a possible cause of mishap. This cost of the mishap has already been heavily linked with your premium. In other words, the higher the risk, the more expensive it is. You gain from insurance when an unexpected thing happens. Otherwise you just net even with the premium or even lose.

When you buy the lottery, you win big with a very slim probability. Isn’t that what insurance premium is? They also say the casino never loses…

Parenting Advice

Have you ever taken advice about parenting from someone who has only one child? Now was it good advice? There is good advice that can come from people who have only done things once. Ask another parent not from the same clique though and you are bound to find a different perspective.

We are made to feel that often the only time we are entitled to speak is if we have years of experience and have done things a hundred times. That is not true. Do not be afraid to share your opinion on things. At the end of the day, the most important thing to remember is you do not control someone’s choices even if they ask for advice, you are only giving a one sided opinion.

String of events

When an unexpected string of events happens, it is probably a good time to consider doing something slightly out of the ordinary. This will help disassociate any negativity from the events to impact more actions down the road.

Have a break and try to have a clear mimd

Boys and girls

Sometimes I wonder whether we set ourselves for distance. I mean we as the patriarchal society. As men we are taught to be go getters and be leaders. To make it out on our own. Would it be surprising that men are not close to their families?

Men who wants kids are ecstatic about having girls but not as enthused about boys. Because the girls will stick to them more. Whichever way, the mum gets more of attention up to old age. While we are trying to find equality, maybe this is something we can change. Or will women become more distant in the future?