Time splits

Spending a lot of time with other people in rapid succession can result in lower gains. When we meet other people too continuously, the relationship can easily become unappreciated.

True value in relationships comes over time, but the time should ideally be spaced out.

Fleeting Moments

First landing in the airport of Melbourne, I get frustrated about the inefficiencies of the systems. The melting pot of different standards of living converting awkwardly. Standing around a carousel waiting for luggage. Wondering if this translated to security issues.

Then I got home and unwided. And had a good rest, woke up with fresh cool air.

At that moment, I realized I had made it. It wasn’t a mansion or a super high flying career, but I have a comfortable life I can maintain without getting too stressed. And it’s a wonderful feeling. I need to remember to be grateful.

When theories are complicated

Theories were made by man. They are used to explain complex phenomenon. Sometimes they get so obtuse, even experts can’t agree on it. At this point, theories have become out of hand and you should look for the simplest means to explain things. When you realise it is difficult to summarise it usually means the ideas are not founded on anything real, but just the layers of multiple theories to fuel personal objectives.

Investment Advice

When someone says, “don’t invest what you cannot afford to lose”, you might as well not listen to anything that person says. The reason is that this warning is the ultimate removal of responsibility of advice given.

This saying probably started more thoughtful. It should be more appropriately – do not invest in an amount that will cause you to lose sleep if a major price correction occurs. Nobody wants to lose money. However, prices are highly speculative and go up and down. It does not prompt a sell when the prices go down. It is just that when the prices go down, you must hold your resolve to sell.

Saying not to invest what you cannot afford to lose… you might as well go to a casino

Kids requires stars to line up

If you think about it, having kids requires so many things to line up. First you need to find a partner. Then you need to make sure you are healthy. There should be chemistry. Then you can’t be too old. You can’t fully plan for it I in your life, you can only hope and try to maximize your chances.

When you think about it, it is truly a blessing.


Sometimes it is fit to wonder why I’m here. Being here. In a place sometimes foreign, too close for comfort yet having an obstruction. The flow of life will not progress, it looks tainted. Like graffiti on the wall, not much the skilled artisan.

Will the wires cross in or shall it wither. Over time and to lack of care, or perhaps without much of a dare. Maybe the air is thick and the wafts cannot be hidden, but should the fires burn or the ice quickly smitten.

All that is clear is the dead of the night. With the screen staring forward, what does it see?

Gender Battle

The only difference between a man and a woman is that a woman has the organs to carry and deliver a child. That’s what feminists try to emphasize.

The fact that a man is physically stronger than a woman is without question. It is a measurable ability, easily displayed and proven. There is no point to argue about which can do better in a purely physical activity when fully trained. It is why sports is pretty much played in single gender sessions. Nobody complains – it is the norm.

The fact that a woman is more beautiful than a man is without question. While this is not directly measurable, in a consensus both men and women can identify accepted forms of beauty in a person – it would be generally unanimous to define pleasant looking people. This is seen as an asset and everyone is comfortable with it.

Let’s now look at emotions. It is generally understood that a woman makes more emotional actions and decisions than men. There is much beauty in a decision making which doesn’t involve numbers and facts. In fact beauty on its own is purely a matter of pulling on those heart strings. We have unfortunately resorted to putting down emotions as generally glamorized or practically unimportant in terms of meritocracy. A person who is too emotional is considered weak, instead of being seen as a creative energetic being.

Can we really be equal genders? Are there not specific roles for us in society?


The Need to Define

Science has taken over the world. It is in our lives in every way – our phones to communicate, our watches to tell us the time, our computers to make things more efficient, our television to bring us some entertainment. These major advancements could not have happened if it were not for reductionists – whereby each individual part is much more important than the sum of its whole. This is pretty much the opposite of holistic thinking.

It is important for a reductionist to take everything by its pieces. Cells, electrons, waves and individual symptoms are all fields of interest for such a person. A definition is the foundation of the principle and thus the science. He cannot move forward until he finds a place to categorize it – to lock it into its rightful place.

The question is, are we as humans just a very long essay describing our very nature of cells? Or do we have more than our grouped tissues and organs with a greater synergy capable of doing much more? Surely, it would seem easy to agree on the latter. Yet, the way we live has generally not reflected this thought.

The byproduct of living with reductionism is that we feel the constant need to judge, to blame and to isolate. We feel the importance of having to put a clear approval or disapproval on something, and to weed out the uncommon based on labels.

Technology has thus brought us up in terms of what we are capable of, yet has pulled us down when it comes to assessing a complete view of people, nature and the world. It is something that a machine cannot be brought to understand. A vision of emotions, energetic colour and a view of God in our life.

People are losing their way, we keep going round arguments that focus on reductionism, when we need to look back at things in a much more combined way. This will restore the energy in the world, and every one of us.