Old reminders

I have got some old reminders that I haven’t bothered to edit. Like car servicing for my old car and birthdays of people I haven’t met for a while. Some people get really agitated to see their old life again. Unless there has been some criminal activity in relation to it, we should remember we once wanted to be reminded of something.

Our memory does funny things to actual events. In most cases, should we decide to focus and simmer on something, negativity is wiped out from what we remember. It is just the best way to move on to compartmentalise the event in a positive sense.

Perhaps it’s time for me to delete some of these reminders. After all they are no longer relevant. But it does energise me to think I have made progress in my life. And it also reminds me to keep in touch with some old friends. Being too efficient can have a very destructive effect. You will definitely know someone who had completely changed their clique.

In any case we must remember to be grateful and appreciative for what we have. The things we treasure now will change over time. Make the most of what you care about.

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