You will be wrong

There will always be someone smarter than you or who has more experience. They will tell you how it should be instead of what you did. Quite often this is useful if the person has already done what you did. Others just want to give you their opinion and should not be taken too seriously. Yet no matter how wrong you were, it is most important that you took action.

A lot of us just sit around thinking who is right and who is wrong. Don’t be that person.

Mob Rules

You will never get a good discussion going in forums with gamification. The first few people set the tone of the discussion. Then the middle people get in just to have an opinion. The real gold actually comes at the end where people give really thoughtful ideas. Unfortunately at that point nobody reads it.

Real Learning

Often we learn things by sitting in front of a class or reading a book. Sometimes we are also given an exercise. This learning is only the first step and is more like allocating the knowledge in your brain. We must take our own action to really learn anything. This is because the exercises that are given are usually a means to an end to make you feel that you got to do something. In most cases when we need to do things again we will struggle. This struggle is very important.

Take action without being prompted and you will learn for real.

Melbourne Is a City of People

I just got back from Sydney and I realise my mind will start shifting elsewhere back to my comforts soon. In reality, I feel that Sydney is a city that gives me inspiration from so many facets. This includes the harbour, the beaches, the buildings, the landscape, the calm and clean weather etc. In Melbourne, the inspiration is almost non-existent…

The government has purposely made Melbourne the sports and cultural capital. This includes sending the Australian Open and Grand Prix to Melbourne. Also they decide to hold the Comedy Festival and some unique theatre shows here. It has also been dubbed the fashion capital. If we really look at it, there was no reason for them to do that, it could have been held anywhere.

Really, the strength of Melbourne lies in the people. It is perhaps why Melbourne people are more friendly. It is perhaps why the tall-poppy syndrome is so prominent. It is perhaps why people are considered more cultured. I believe Sydney-siders who move to Melbourne will have loved to stay there if housing was more affordable. If the Australia housing mania truly dies down, we will have a way of quantifying if the non-existing natural pulls of Melbourne can still hold up.

Cost of feeling right

Sometimes we are so obsessed about others doing the right thing, we hurl poison into them. At that point we ourselves have done the wrong thing. Always consider the cost of being right. It may cost relationships.

Misunderstood Change

Revolutions can only happen for the sake of solving oppression. Nobody knows what will happen after, which is why a lot of revolutions seems to have failed. The primary objectives need to be extremely clear. Other oppressions will possibly develop, so it’s best to consider this possibility.

Credit Card Mania

When we use the credit card, we are actually giving away information. This information is not very valuable once off, but over time it tells a big story. If they made credit cards hard to use, it will be very easy to resist it.

Make something dead easy to use. People will then make their own excuses to use it.

Importance of sleep

Sleep gives us more energy to alter our behaviour. We all have some automatic reflexes which are waiting to kick in depending on the stimulus. Not every reaction is desirable and it is always best to stop for a second and observe the thought process. Without energy we will conserve this and our actions may have poor repercussions.

Get more sleep. It’s worth it.

Network Effects

If you can find something on the internet, chances are other people have found it too. This therefore should not be a basis for thinking you have outsmarted others.

The internet has connected us for good and for had. We can hope to present information differently. Just don’t bet on being the first one to hear about it.