Holding Power

Facebook appeard to have done something wrong. Perhaps we should be worrying about what they are doing with our data. Maybe we should all revisit what privacy actually means. But the truth is, it will take more than that for Facebook to be stopped by many. It is so much easier to stay. So many have built their lives curated on Facebook, that it has become so compelling to continue.

That is the danger we have to be wary of. Being tied to one company without much transferable skills. Truth is few wants to start again building up networks and reputation decided by a company unless they have already found personal reasons to do so. Facebook really has controlled a lot of our life, it is just up to us to accept it or be strong enough to do the same thing somewhere else.


There is a park near my house. Literally less than 100 metres away. Sometimes when I feel like going for a walk I don’t consider this park. The reason for that is I have already included the park as my safe and comfort zone. This means I have already decided my relationship with the park and feel uncomfortable to change it.

Yet today I went to walk in the park and it was good. Sometimes when things are too close we need to try a little harder to change things than if they were far away.

Confirmed Comfort

To push ourselves forward, it always helps to have something comfortable planned in advance. It could be as simple as having quiet time at home. Most of the time we rely on the weekend. That is often too far away.

It is better to always set aside time everyday during the night. This will give you more impetus to do more during the day.


The beauty of staying where you are is that no one second judges you. No one thinks you are silly. If they did nothing will change that and you can be ignored. When you try to knock on new doors you get profiled. They want to know if you are serious and they sometimes openly laugh at your ideas.

I think every business has its customers. But I wonder why people are so quick to put you into a box and be impolite. Yet this is normal and should not stop you from what you want to do.

In the moment

Often people don’t say what they mean. However they do often relate to the sentiment. If they really wanted you to know something they will usually repeat it once. Never rely on a passing comment as the source of wisdom. If anything it’s just the social norm of the time.

The thing about websites

I now make websites and apps as part of my job. I like the work I do and for the most part it is challenging. The thing is, everyone can make a website… Or can they?

A website is such a loosely defined term these days. Everything has become and will become even easier to build. For example, 20 years ago maybe if you said you made PowerPoint slides people might think that was really cool. These days it is so easy to do, you wonder if it was something to admire in at all.

Therein lies the challenge. People don’t want to pay for skills for something you can make in 30 minutes – that’s the truth about a lot of websites out there. And then we have the biggest and best websites to contend with. The likes of Facebook and Google. There needs to a new term for making challenging websites. They call them web apps but it doesn’t quite have the kicker.

Sharing take two

You are stuck with a problem and you are in a hurry or have many other tasks to complete. Is your first response good enough? Share it with someone else before you finalise. We are better than we think but often we can’t see things clearly while you are right in the middle of it.

The problem doesn’t necessarily get easier but it helps you to see possibly missed perspectives. And if it gets easier, then it’s a pure win!

Should you flaunt it?

If you are rich would you go out of your way to show how big your bank account is? Well I guess what’s the point of having the money then right? Or would you play it down so you don’t attract unnecessary attention.

If someone robbed you because you were showing off, would that change things? Or if you start getting attached to certain groups of people and you lost good friendships.

I think today we have lost this consideration. Doing it all and showing it off seems to be the motto. And when things go wrong, who do we blame? The state. The government. Humanity.

Looking with a new lens

We have been here before, or have we? I have to say that I have been in Melbourne for over 10 years yet I never adequately explored the bar scene. It felt like a different place. Like going into another dimension. It helps me to appreciate where I am a little bit more.

Is there something you have made up your mind about and will not revisit because you let the thought hold for many years? Maybe it’s time to revisit it.

Getting Started

I subscribed to Time magazine. It is much cheaper than getting it from a news agency. The thing is I would collect them. It would come to my mailbox then I would put it aside. I have a whole stack of them. I was not reading them at all, most of them still in plastic wrapping.

Then I thought I will read one article. Just the article that is on the front page. Then I ended up reading a bit more but my focus was at least finishing one. I ended up reading from three magazines in a row.

Sometimes we just need to convince ourselves to do the bare minimum. The rest might just come on its own.