
You made up your mind, you have been there before. Why should you give it another go?

Sometimes the reasons are clear why you should not do something again. Yet no two situations are ever identical. Chances are if you approach a similar situation twice with the exact same mentality though, you will end up with a similar result. That’s the definition of insanity, doing the same thing and expecting a different result.

Sometimes all you need is a mind shift. A way of approaching the problem with a brand new outlook. If you can resist old patterns you might be surprised of what is possible. We just have to give things a chance. Otherwise life is just on repeat.

Reasons aplenty

I once asked a lady why some women dress up over the top. The reason that came to my mind is that it’s to impress men. She told me it is to make themselves feel good. However feeling good from that angle only works if someone else appreciates that look. Women look at other women as well though so may be my thought was just a little bit off. But the point is the driver of the action is not accurate from what I previously thought.

We all have our own reasons to do something a certain way. Each reason is not always exclusive of other reasons. We should therefore be careful of judging others because of the preconceived reasons in our heads. The flow on effect of the action cannot often be fully linked to just the reason for starting.

The Flow

Somethings seem so frustrating when doing a new thing or going a new route. You might come across difficult situations or be stuck in massive traffic. Time lost on it doesn’t necessarily add up to the end result.

However if we keep a level head sometimes it works out in the end. For example, you might arrive somewhere late only to find the event has not started. Or you immediately get to apply what you learned from the previous road block.

Life works out itself a lot of the time. Call it God or call it the flow of life. Don’t despair.

Morning Pursuit

If you have a very important event happening the next morning, it is much better to do everything earlier in that morning. Sometimes I have the tendency to do things the night before so that I feel like I can wake up at the last minute. But that is usually not much different if not worse to waking up a little earlier. The time spent is the same so the amount of sleep you get will be similar.

More importantly the mind is extremely fresh in the morning if sleep is adequate. This means that you would be more unlikely to miss something. It is also much easier to guarantee waking up earlier than being able to sleep in till later.

Propagated truth

There seems to be many iconic people getting bashed online these days. In fact it has probably been happening for much longer but I have been refusing to partake in following social trends too closely.

Now for some reason when someone is online and does something different, it seems to be free for anyone to criticise openly. The type of criticism you won’t hear of face to face. You know for some reason it’s as if typing gives you immunity. It’s even worse when there is anonymity but it happens to people with faces as well.

I have been guilty of this in the past, but I have always come on as a contrarian. This means I focus on mainstream thinking and highlight what I think does not make sense. Now I don’t even do this anymore. I feel silenced and actually a little scared.

It is no wonder young people are suicidal these days. The premise is free speech but the reality is just free judgement. There is a proven method to fast popularity, don’t be too original. Follow the trends of the time.

Yet the trends are not the truth. Do we not care about the truth any more? Or are we all too scared to speak up our own thoughts?

Are we getting weaker?

There is a sign on nature parks that says “Keeping wildlife wild”. The idea is that we do not feed the animals so they don’t depend on us. Yet why are we as humans going the other way around?

A long time ago we had to learn to cope. If you felt bored on the train you might try to talk with someone next to you or perhaps bring a book out to read. If you were not heterosexual, you would find another means to express yourself like great artwork or acting. We have now lost this need to fight or cope. We are pretty much just getting ourselves more dependent on other things and other people. Moreso other things.

Is it wrong to be wild? Are we just dooming ourselves to fail eventually? The truth is it won’t take much to take most of the human race out as an alien species. Just permanently cut power supply grids, the internet and GPS. Isn’t allowing them to be wild how we preserve the strength of the animal ecosystem?


I look for something and it’s not there. I get frustrated and I continue to wait. Wait for a bus that doesn’t arrive. Yet many cars come by offering me a lift. Why don’t I jump on?

The drums call me and I can’t resist it. It beckons for a strong longing that can’t be fulfilled by other thrills. Are these mistakes I will regret later on?

The masquerade continues but how long can I hold on to the mask…

Simply Complex

When you start to learn something on your own, you will most likely come across very difficult terms and concepts. Trying to learn these concepts turns out even more unknown terms and concepts and it almost doesn’t seem to end. Don’t give up yet!

Try to get the minimum out of the way before going into the full detail. You need to first start with a working solution you can implement and get the basics of it. Once things are working, then these basics can carry you forward.

Don’t be fooled that the basics are everything though. These basics are only a precursor for further questions down the line. However if you gave up even understanding the basics you will never progress to the next step.

At the beginning, you will start thinking how you know a lot until you realize otherwise. Go along with this long enough and you will reach a point you really do know a lot. Don’t forget to try to help others along the way.


You should never try to teach someone a big lesson without a chance for closure. Usually when we want to make a big effect we dramatize beyond our normal selves. This disorientates the person you are trying to teach and also tends to give a negative association with the experience. Unless the person desired to really learn something in the first place, this negative experience will leave a scarring effect and learning is sabotaged.

This is why it is good to find a good mentor or teacher when trying to learn difficult things by experience. The teacher can impart difficult lessons and still be there to pick you up when you feel like giving up. A passing stranger will make you feel you probably just have to avoid a certain situation.

On time

The early worm catches the fish. Yet the fish you catch is not of the same quality. There is always an amount of time where it makes more sense to be early rather than be on time. Everybody aims to be on time, so that has the least benefit.

If you are making a big effort to be on time, then most likely it is much more worth to be extra early. And don’t forget, it also makes sense to be late at times.