Good enough is better than perfect

New initiatives and new ideas. What do they have in common? They are scary to act on. They could fail at any moment. They will reveal our shortcoming and leave us a nasty taste. Or does it have to?

The ironic thing is that even if something is made perfect in our eyes it may still be inadequate for the real world. This means the pain will be deeper because we have made even more effort come undone.

Get it started and moving and disregard perfection. Let life take its course naturally and you will be positive surprised.

Can it be done

If you give reasons why it cannot be done, it immediately relieves tensions of expectations. However this also comes as a form of demotivation. Some of the greatest feats of mankind have been achieved by focusing on the possible.

Don’t say you cannot do it. Just ask for the resources to complete.

Fear of Judgement

We are constantly surrounded by people at every moment. Even when we are not, people do think about you. It is impossible to fully hide yourself, and to make attempts to do that is to stop living.

The beginning of living a true life is to worry less about what other people think.

Data Paralysis

These days there is too much data to analyse. You can argue any angle of a story, there will be data to support it. It used to be a dream to have so much data. However, I think we have reached a paralysis point.

Try researching about anything. Try to be as comprehensive about things. You will be overwhelmed. To finish the task, you will be biased to the angle you want.

This is how speculation starts. This is why we shouldn’t blame others decisions. Sometimes we just need to get along with things without falling back on unlimited data. Because the world is only going to get worse.

Social media dynamics

The dynamics of social media favours the oppressed. When making a statement that will disadvantage one side of an argument, social media unspoken rules dictate that the side which has less will always be favoured.

Basing facts from social media is thus nearly impossible.

When you compare

You most likely will not be satisfied if you have the mind to compare. The trick is to appreciate.

Somethings are really not worthwhile and you need to be in a better place. Otherwise it’s really just a mind game.

Dividing World

The trend of people is changing every day. We know that’s technology drives changes quickest, so we must look at the youth who are most likely to take up the latest. Youth are distancing themselves from Facebook and attaching themselves to Twitter and Snapchat. These are 2 distinct forms of networks.

Twitter is literally a public platform. There are privacy settings but really the ultimate purpose of Twitter is to spread the world to people you might never ever meet.

Snapchat is for really intimate use. For your partners and your best friends…

Facebook is the vanilla. Where I used to come from. Building networks gradually over time. Childhood and university friends. People don’t use it as much anymore.

We have become an alienated society. We have a tiny handful of close contacts and a massive void beyond that. We rather talk to someone we don’t know…

Maybe someday we will go back to our ways. But for now, the automatic future is isolation.

Balanced Advice

If you want to discuss deeply about something, it is always better for it to be between 3 people instead of 2. With 2 people, you either have someone who agrees with you or doesn’t. Because it is quite possible there is a disagreement, it cannot be resolved properly and the conversation will be heavily biased. The third person gives a chance to evaluate the differences.