Do we lack time or resolve

If we were to ask ourselves whether we have time for something new, most of the time the answer would be no, unless we are bored out of wits. So are we really experiencing a lack of time or are there just too many distractions and wants? Likely it is a bit of both.

In this day and age it is so easy to get carried away with multiple forms of entertainment. Sometimes it is not even meant to be entertainment but it sucks you in anyway. Thanks to the mobile phone, putting it in your hand generally means cumulative hours pass by in a day. A lot of time is wasted here.

If you successfully manage to escape mobile screen time, then you will still need to manoeuvre other digital forms that suck in your time. This includes television, Netflix and other digital streaming methods. Steered clear of those and still running short on time? The most common reason will then be lack of resolve.

When we are not clear of what exactly we want to achieve, we tend to get easily carried away by whatever is in front of us. This could simply be because we feel a lack of interest in what we would like to do. It could also be just people that you care about eating up your whole day. Sure, life is nothing without spending time with loved ones, but how much should you sacrifice?

The next time you catch yourself saying that you don’t have time, try to examine a day in your life for these items. You might be pleasantly surprised.

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