The thing about websites

I now make websites and apps as part of my job. I like the work I do and for the most part it is challenging. The thing is, everyone can make a website… Or can they?

A website is such a loosely defined term these days. Everything has become and will become even easier to build. For example, 20 years ago maybe if you said you made PowerPoint slides people might think that was really cool. These days it is so easy to do, you wonder if it was something to admire in at all.

Therein lies the challenge. People don’t want to pay for skills for something you can make in 30 minutes – that’s the truth about a lot of websites out there. And then we have the biggest and best websites to contend with. The likes of Facebook and Google. There needs to a new term for making challenging websites. They call them web apps but it doesn’t quite have the kicker.

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