Old reminders

I have got some old reminders that I haven’t bothered to edit. Like car servicing for my old car and birthdays of people I haven’t met for a while. Some people get really agitated to see their old life again. Unless there has been some criminal activity in relation to it, we should remember we once wanted to be reminded of something.

Our memory does funny things to actual events. In most cases, should we decide to focus and simmer on something, negativity is wiped out from what we remember. It is just the best way to move on to compartmentalise the event in a positive sense.

Perhaps it’s time for me to delete some of these reminders. After all they are no longer relevant. But it does energise me to think I have made progress in my life. And it also reminds me to keep in touch with some old friends. Being too efficient can have a very destructive effect. You will definitely know someone who had completely changed their clique.

In any case we must remember to be grateful and appreciative for what we have. The things we treasure now will change over time. Make the most of what you care about.

Do we lack time or resolve

If we were to ask ourselves whether we have time for something new, most of the time the answer would be no, unless we are bored out of wits. So are we really experiencing a lack of time or are there just too many distractions and wants? Likely it is a bit of both.

In this day and age it is so easy to get carried away with multiple forms of entertainment. Sometimes it is not even meant to be entertainment but it sucks you in anyway. Thanks to the mobile phone, putting it in your hand generally means cumulative hours pass by in a day. A lot of time is wasted here.

If you successfully manage to escape mobile screen time, then you will still need to manoeuvre other digital forms that suck in your time. This includes television, Netflix and other digital streaming methods. Steered clear of those and still running short on time? The most common reason will then be lack of resolve.

When we are not clear of what exactly we want to achieve, we tend to get easily carried away by whatever is in front of us. This could simply be because we feel a lack of interest in what we would like to do. It could also be just people that you care about eating up your whole day. Sure, life is nothing without spending time with loved ones, but how much should you sacrifice?

The next time you catch yourself saying that you don’t have time, try to examine a day in your life for these items. You might be pleasantly surprised.

Reading allows creativity to continue as you get older

As you get older you tend to stick to your ways and don’t bother with much of what is new. Is it true that we can’t teach an old person new tricks? Certainly not but we must be predisposed not to act this way.

One of the easiest way to keep your mind alert and going is to read non-fiction. When you read fiction you are indulging in a healthier hobby than screentime. Usually the new things you could learn from this are not many. Instead non-fiction is always based on someone’s perspective, and if you take that in you will definitely learn something.

There will be new technology every single day. In fact books can be delivered electronically or even via audio. But ultimately it is the content and intent of the authors that can help keep you abreast. For our bodies will likely wither faster than our minds.

Ageing Interactions

A university party is very different from a school party and also very different from a party with people in another age group. This is not just because of a generation gap and familiarity but core to growing up.

One of the best things that happen when we get older is we really start to undersand what it means to do whatever you want. You don’t necessarily become wiser as the saying goes, but after a long life you will realise that your own needs are more important than fitting in. Some people try really hard to conform regardless, which can form a sort of unhappiness brewing over time.

In a party setting what then happens is that you cannot control how people are going to interact or what events they are going to do anymore. The most you can control is a welcome speech to get everyone to listen. Beyond that people are generally going to stick to their comfort zone or what they have made their minds up to do before attending.

This means it is actually very easy to organise networking events. All you have to do is set a venue and make sure nobody comes expecting food that you don’t provide, everything else is auto pilot. That’s why networking tends to always just a part of the agenda, not the main. It is a simple add on that doesn’t require much planning at all.

Late closure is like no closure

If you get on someone’s nerves and fail to resolve it in a short period of time, the closure after that becomes close to pointless. You might mistaken that a simple sorry after a few weeks will suffice but more often than not that is just an icebreaker.

When the awkward situation takes time, we will form our own judgement of what actually happens and decide whether we want to forgive or move on shortly after. This is how a healthy mindset works.

If you berate someone in public for something they did, then accept an apology years later, you have already forgiven this person long before, but just tied your own ego to the apology. And if you don’t accept the apology regardless, you have decided you will be grudgeful anyway. This is an example of a typical troll on the internet.

Make a closure as soon as you realise your mistake. Beyond that repair is not up to you but up to the other persons internal resolution mechanism.

Fix early

Sometimes we have learned the wrong thing for a long time and implemented it accordingly. We might be rushing for another event or just a little hasty to get the job done so we don’t stop and correct the mistake immediately. Doing so will likely extend the issues for a much longer period.

In manufacturing items, the later you discover the mistake, the worse the impact is. This is because the amount of time required to make something needs to be taken into account to be restarted. Also, things are either often made in bulk or many suppliers need to be coordinated.

This is the same in the digital world, especially if something already goes live. Once real people are involved it is so much harder to fix and also involves having reputations tarnished.

Everyone makes mistakes and it is somewhat inevitable. Just don’t make the mistake much bigger by delaying the fix.

Tools may be lacking

You rock up and you don’t have everything prepared. Just some fresh enthusiasm and a healthy attitude. When you are about to start you see other people do things differently. Do you leave?

Unless you are confined by some strict safety codes, find a way. It could be as easy as spending a little bit of money to get what you need to be normal. Or why be normal? Be awesome and inspiring. Find other ways that may not have been tried and participate.

Conforming is the safest route and also the most numbing. Live a little and try it your way anyway.


It is a core need for people to feel they have done something of value in their life. Even if it’s insignificant and even if the effort was minuscule, people do generally crave adulation.

A train driver this morning spent 2 minutes on the intercom reiterating how he influenced the decision to prioritise our train. He was trying so hard to emphasise his efforts that he was beginning to sound desperate. No one else really seemed to bother. It is a micro decision and action for his own well being.

So how can we make use of this? It basically means that emotional decisions are extremely important. If we learn this, we can influence many even if the logic is defied. When opposing views are strong focjs on what emotions something entails and less on logic.

The foundations

We should not underestimate how important it is to just get started. Even if you are not someone to complete something, having the basic foundations does wonders.

You could receive help from people you did not expect. You might suddenly have more time on your hands. Or it could be as simple as suddenly receiving inspiration on a particular task. These are so much more difficult to achieve out of nothing.

This is not quite the law of attraction, but more about setting the first stake in the group to mark your journey. This point has so much possibility, but first it should be started.

Romanticised workplace

No, it’s not about falling in love with someone at work. It is about taking a small subset of the work experience and overemphasising it’s importance.

For example say you work at a big company X. If we focus on just the fact that you are working at X, we will possibly not be able to fulfill our potential. This is because you could just be a tiny insignificant part of X, so being part of it might not even mean anything to them.

This is quite common with associating working overseas. It is nice to say you have got a job in a foreign country to everyone you know. Yet the job you are doing might be way less fulfilling than what you could be doing in your home country.

We must try not to oversimplify our position less be at risk of not delivering our greatest potential.