Finding Peace

When we were growing up the overarching theme for life seemed to be about attaining financial independence. The sense of living to want for nothing and to live our lives in reasonable luxury to the end of our days. Some people may still believe this is the ultimate goal, but you start to see things differently as you get older.

There is the cloud of “follow your passion” lingering in the air. Where we shouldn’t confine ourselves to working on something we don’t like for the sake of money but instead pursue what we truly desire. This truly has merits, but some of us don’t get this answer so clearly. We change as people after learning and trying new things.

Yet do we find peace after we find and start working on our passion? Or are we still stuck in the rat race? Most likely if you are still running any race, then you are likely still in the wheel.

One thing I realised has worked out for me, is to have the sense of having everything I need. A time when as long as I do the same thing everyday, I can live on and live comfortably. And the only way that can happen, is that we do not rest on our laurels. We must strive to learn and improve ourselves everyday. For you can feel comfort from such changing circumstances viewed in that light.

To know that if you lose your job, your skills are highly sought after.

To know that your wellbeing is not tied to something else but your own decisions and values.

To know you can live well and prosper, without needing to create superstar work.

It is then you truly find peace, and it is then that you will challenge your boundaries with less fear and worry. Instead, perhaps it is then you find your real passion can shine.