
Sometimes when we want to do something new we need inspiration. And often we end up doing things because someone is watching. Well that’s accountability. However in this digital world, you can’t be accountable all the time. The highlight reels and chat rooms don’t deliver much truth. That’s the danger of relying on others to motivate you. As much as people care, nobody really wants to know every step of your journey.

Find the real reason within yourself. Let others know to inspire them, not to get them to motivate you to do more.


I think one of the greatest things about living in this era is the incredible outsourcing opportunities. The world is at a time with higher unemployment opportunities, which means there are people willing to do whatever you do not want to at a cost. Not everything we outsource costs money though.

If you use Facebook, chances are you have outsourced your social life management to Facebook. Now this was something not many considered until the recent scandal. The truth is we were complacent about the reason for outsourcing.

Religion is another form of outsourcing, where we put trust in something other people have defined. There is nothing inherently wrong with outsourcing, the question is will you be shocked if the truth is suddenly put to real light.

Embrace outsourcing, but don’t lose your critical thinking to it.

Lottery and Insurance

If you believe strongly in buying insurance you should buy the lottery. The reason is that when you buy insurance, you are paying for a possible cause of mishap. This cost of the mishap has already been heavily linked with your premium. In other words, the higher the risk, the more expensive it is. You gain from insurance when an unexpected thing happens. Otherwise you just net even with the premium or even lose.

When you buy the lottery, you win big with a very slim probability. Isn’t that what insurance premium is? They also say the casino never loses…

Parenting Advice

Have you ever taken advice about parenting from someone who has only one child? Now was it good advice? There is good advice that can come from people who have only done things once. Ask another parent not from the same clique though and you are bound to find a different perspective.

We are made to feel that often the only time we are entitled to speak is if we have years of experience and have done things a hundred times. That is not true. Do not be afraid to share your opinion on things. At the end of the day, the most important thing to remember is you do not control someone’s choices even if they ask for advice, you are only giving a one sided opinion.

String of events

When an unexpected string of events happens, it is probably a good time to consider doing something slightly out of the ordinary. This will help disassociate any negativity from the events to impact more actions down the road.

Have a break and try to have a clear mimd

Boys and girls

Sometimes I wonder whether we set ourselves for distance. I mean we as the patriarchal society. As men we are taught to be go getters and be leaders. To make it out on our own. Would it be surprising that men are not close to their families?

Men who wants kids are ecstatic about having girls but not as enthused about boys. Because the girls will stick to them more. Whichever way, the mum gets more of attention up to old age. While we are trying to find equality, maybe this is something we can change. Or will women become more distant in the future?

Holding Power

Facebook appeard to have done something wrong. Perhaps we should be worrying about what they are doing with our data. Maybe we should all revisit what privacy actually means. But the truth is, it will take more than that for Facebook to be stopped by many. It is so much easier to stay. So many have built their lives curated on Facebook, that it has become so compelling to continue.

That is the danger we have to be wary of. Being tied to one company without much transferable skills. Truth is few wants to start again building up networks and reputation decided by a company unless they have already found personal reasons to do so. Facebook really has controlled a lot of our life, it is just up to us to accept it or be strong enough to do the same thing somewhere else.


There is a park near my house. Literally less than 100 metres away. Sometimes when I feel like going for a walk I don’t consider this park. The reason for that is I have already included the park as my safe and comfort zone. This means I have already decided my relationship with the park and feel uncomfortable to change it.

Yet today I went to walk in the park and it was good. Sometimes when things are too close we need to try a little harder to change things than if they were far away.

Confirmed Comfort

To push ourselves forward, it always helps to have something comfortable planned in advance. It could be as simple as having quiet time at home. Most of the time we rely on the weekend. That is often too far away.

It is better to always set aside time everyday during the night. This will give you more impetus to do more during the day.


The beauty of staying where you are is that no one second judges you. No one thinks you are silly. If they did nothing will change that and you can be ignored. When you try to knock on new doors you get profiled. They want to know if you are serious and they sometimes openly laugh at your ideas.

I think every business has its customers. But I wonder why people are so quick to put you into a box and be impolite. Yet this is normal and should not stop you from what you want to do.