Dagger of Broken Friendship

I have a tendency to hold on to friendships. Once I call a person a friend it gets so hard to have the feeling taken away from me. And add to that I do live in a beautiful bubble that every person has a good side and one day they will show it to me.

A friendship will never prosper without some likeliness, some connection, or just some karmic ties which bring us together. From those early days of shared laughter came growth of individuality and the slow but steady realization of truth. With the shining light of truth, no demon shall lay low. It shall immerse itself in flames and set fire to its cohabitants.

It has been a long journey, but I finally accept my gift of intuition. To go against what others think even if I be left alone. To be guided by the inner spirit in seeking what is required.

The pieces still lay broken, and I walk away, not intending to pick it up like before.


Finding Your Own Way

The world tends to teach you to look outside for the answers. With the advent of the Internet, this behavior is further emphasized. Social media encourages comparison, keeping you wondering whether you have been wasting all your time.

Yet behind this there is also places you can go where people are wondering if they have trully lost their way. Whether they have failed that ultimate dream we seem to all be trying to get to. You see, that is part of the problem – we are all trying to get there. If everyone was aiming for the same pot of gold, we all know not everyone will get it. Sure we can argue that it is like the Sochi Winter Olympics at the moment. One gold medal and 2 consolation medals to stake your claim in the world. Yet thousands of hopefuls throw their life and bodies into it.

Where does that leave us? We can’t always get the number one position in life, but it would sure help if you still feel a sense of purpose even if you do not make it. For many of the Olympians, it is the journey that counts more than the end result. Otherwise, your passion for success will only take you so far sometimes. And in the case of the snow, sometimes God has other plans.

How do we start to take on the world? Search within. Within where the heart beats and the mind ticks. Where your cells take care of themselves of your every need. Deeper within which is the source of your life. That being that is waiting to express itself but has been blocked by all that noise, those distractions.

I haven’t got there yet, but I am finding ways. Take some time out. Don’t fill every second of your time with something for the sake of it. Stop that obsessive filling in of your moments to avoid that ticking in your subconscious. Because if you don’t, it will only get louder later on and your body may no longer be in the best position to take full advantage.

Yet don’t worry. The life plan will be lenient. If you are meant to find it you will. Just remember that life is more a journey than a means. A transition between consciousness.

Astrology is helping me to get there. Find your mentor which you can rely on. There is so much to explore about yourselves without looking outside.

My Mind is like the Clouds

It forms so many opinions in the course of the day. I notice that by the time I sit down to write / type the number of ideas that have floated through my head are countless. It is like a bottomless pit waiting for an anchor or boats to dock. Could this really be a good thing?

The trouble I face is that the thoughts are rather disorganized and disjointed. Like not making a head or tail or on any particular topic. Just my emotionally infused random fleeting moments of self and outer discovery. Contemplated for a while and then whistled away in the wind.

Just like the clouds…

Although at the point of conception they mean a lot. They probably still do. Maybe they have a story to be told. Maybe it is just a current of verbal emotion. It really is hard to tell. I have to slowly discover this.

A new day

Today I decide that I would like to write a little bit more. The truth is I do enjoy writing, it surprises me how little of it I actually do. And so it goes for a few other hobbies. Like it has been somehow put under the carpet. Strange as it seems, I have never really explored this. Perhaps it is a mental block in growth.

I hope that one day I will be an avid writer – not only that but also a great communicator. It takes courage no doubt, but also practice. Like every accomplished person, it comes down to the actual work and effort being put into something.

What I will actually write about is hard to picture right now. At the very least it is good to know I am making a start.